FAQ – also available as downloadable PDF
FAQ – Rachel Carson Homestead Engraved Pavers
Bricks or pavers?
The extruded and fire-baked clay bricks used in this project are Belden Brick City Line pavers that can hold up to vehicular traffic. These standard-sized bricks are guaranteed to last.
Will the engraving last? Midwest uses Laser Engraving, which is a combination of computer and high power laser light that enables highly detailed graphics and artistic text to be produced at a low cost compared to other engraving methods. The intense laser light turns the engraved surface to a glass. The result is a very detailed image that is permanently apart of the brick, even with the surface of the brick. This process is excellent for all climates. In contrast to this laser engraving, sandblasting is used on concrete and other stone: it requires a high-quality staining process and the stone and engraving can wear, so is best for vertical applications.
How long will the bricks be available for purchase?
There is a limited number of blank pavers remaining in the landscaped area. Orders may be taken as long as we have room for them. We have not determined a specific cut-off date.
How long until my brick is engraved? Can I see it?
Orders will be collected and processed when the quantity reaches 30 or more pavers, which is currently the shipping cost threshold. Receiving the engraved pavers may take up to two months, depending on the manufacturer’s schedule. Installation by RCH is weather-dependent: we do not plan to install over winter or months with very wet weather.
Where will my brick be located?
Bricks will be located in the area of the sign on Marion Avenue, in front of the Rachel Carson Homestead.
Will my brick look exactly like it does on the website?
The website preview is for general reference only. While all of the words you enter on the website will be arranged as you provide, the font style and size may appear different on the completed brick. The colors of the bricks may also vary from what you see on the screen.
I made a mistake on my brick order. Can I make changes?
If you made a mistake or would like to add something, please contact the Rachel Carson Homestead at 724-274-5459 or by email at Info@RachelCarsonHomestead.org. Because the engraving will be done in batches, is is likely but not guaranteed that the error can be corrected.
Is the payment website secure?
Your credit card order is processed in the Stripe system using secure SSL encryption. This prevents unauthorized access to your credit card data. RCH has no access to your information and Stripe does not save your credit card number.
How will the proceeds from the sale of my brick be used?
Proceeds from the sale of the bricks will be put toward development and maintenance of the Rachel Carson Homestead grounds. Any remainder may be used for the educational programs per our mission.
Can I place an order by mail or in person?
All orders will be placed online via this website. If you have questions or need assistance completing your online order, please contact the Rachel Carson Homestead by phone at 724-274-5459 or by email at Info@RachelCarsonHomestead.org – we need your name and phone number to return your call.