Tickets for the 2025 visit now available!
Tickets remain $100 each. Drawing via Zoom on Monday March 31, 2025 at 1 p.m. The award is for the week of July 12-19, 2025.
- It’s been a privilege to offer chances to visit the most famous environmental writer and our favorite earth-heroine ’s personal summer home on Southport Island in Maine! Carson’s family allows us to rent and raffle this as a fund-raiser for the humble home in Springdale, PA. We are happy to provide this opportunity, and to award the prize.
- Thank you for good sportsmanship in supporting this raffle since 2016. We are happy to share in the excitement and award the prize.
- FYI: Board members and immediate family are restricted from accepting the award.
As always, we thank you and wish you best of luck!
Enjoy this vimeo presentation and interview…
2025 tickets are now available.
We are required to record your confirmation that you are at least 18 years old & agreement that the award is not transferable, and understanding that the cottage will be used only for a personal visit (not commercial ends). The owner will “meet” you before sending the visitor agreement.
Complete the form below
- You will be directed to a SECURE site to complete your purchase. (Check for a pop-up blocker or contact us by email to “Info” for assistance.)
- Pennsylvania regulations require us to have your valid USPS mailing address.
* Upon receipt of payment, ticket(s) will be mailed to you via USPS.
Note on the form: the spam-catcher requires a TEXT answer with no spaces. Example: if the question is “what is ten minus five” the answer is FIVE – with no leading or trailing space. If you still have an issue, please contact us by email or phone message. Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who participates in this EXCLUSIVE OPPORTUNITY and important fund-raiser for the chance to visit Rachel Carson’s private ocean-front cottage in Maine.
View from Rachel Carson’s Cottage at the Edge of the Sea, photo taken by a previous winner, Tracy Merrick!
Imagine yourself at Miss Carson’s desk in the summer home on Southport Island, Maine! Rachel designed the cottage and loved her time there! The four-bedroom cottage sits above the Sheepscot River, a long inlet to the sea, amidst spruce and pine atop a rocky, granite bluff overlooking tidal pools and gulls, seals and lobster boats. A short path leads to the shore and its tide pools, bringing The Edge of The Sea to life for you!
Good Luck!
2024 Winner – Patricia, Rockville, MD
2023 Winner – Melissa, Washington, D.C.
2022 Winner – Kathy, Washington, D.C.
2021 Winner – Alexandra G., Pittsburgh, PA
2020 Winner – Elise R. , Los Angeles, CA
2019 Winner – Colleen Webster, Havre de Grace, MD
2018 Winner – Tracy Merrick, Wexford, PA
2017 Winner – Raina Rippel, McMurray, PA
The Rachel Carson Homestead Association (RCHA) Rachel’s birthplace and home for her first 22 years, reserved Rachel’s Maine cottage for one week this summer – seven full days in July, only 100 chances with winning ticket to be drawn on March 31, 2025 at 1 p.m. Proceeds support RCHA operations and programs. We normally rely on tour revenue to cover many costs for the historic home. COVID changed that so this fund-raiser is more important to maintain the Homestead in Springdale, PA.
The cottage has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, an equipped kitchen, outdoor grill, screened porch, western-facing deck from which to view glowing sunsets, paths to the ocean, and granite outcrops with sandy tide pools. It is a classic 1950s cottage is fully furnished (with bedding). Wi-fi, cable-tv and additional services are not provided. The pine-paneled rooms have picture windows to the sea and sunsets evoking Carson’s sense of wonder with ability to imagine the genesis of oceans, evolution of living creatures, and her awe in the face of such majesty and mystery. Nearby attractions include Boothbay Harbor and Ocean Harbor, whale-watching and puffin trips, kayak and bicycle rentals, Atlantic white-sided dolphins, quaint and cozy shops, cottages – or complete solitude at any time!
Check out Bob Musil’s essay about his recent visit…