Learn how to make “Black Gold” – Composting to reduce waste up to 30% and create valuable humus for gardening
Learn about:
- Nature’s way of recycling and how you can set up Backyard Composting
- The basic science behind the compost process,
- How to build a backyard compost pile and
- How to manage your compost pile to produce humus, or “black gold” as it is commonly referred to by gardeners.
See how to reduce the amount of trash you send to the landfill by up to 30% and create a useful soil additive for your garden by setting up your own backyard compost system.
We will discuss which materials are compostable and which ones aren’t.
And finally, we will see the compost bin system at the Rachel Carson Homestead and discuss ways it may be improved.
Presentation by Sharon Svitek | Solid Waste Supervisor
PA Department of Environmental Protection
Sharon is a recycling coordinator for PA DEP and has been a backyard composter for over 20 years.
NOTE: We will be primarily indoors, but please dress for the weather.
- Reservations not required by appreciated info@rachelcarsonhomestead.org or 724-274-5459